Thursday, 20 February 2020

Sky Mirror (January 2020)

The Sky Mirror in Nottingham in a 20 foot wide concave steel dish sculpture by artist Anish Kapoor. It reflects the environment around the sculpture which includes the Nottingham Playhouse Theatre and, of course, the sky.

I have photographed the sculpture a number of times in the past but this time I got right into some of the more abstract studies of the reflections and structure. This was mainly driven by the dull weather conditions but there was a brief break in the cloud at one point which provided an opportunity for these wider angle shots and some useful context for the following abstract images:

These are a selection of the more abstract studies:

As I stated in a previous post, I am keen to develop my artwork in addition to the photography. Currently, everything is a learning processing and this is a sketch that I started on the day, and later toned with neutral promarkers at home. Working in ink means living with errors and imperfections. I find this particularly difficult but recognise it as part and parcel of any new endeavour:

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