Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Combs Lane (January 2020)

As I was discussing in a recent post about the Southwell Trail, there is a danger that local photography becomes repetitive with the same locations and compositions being covered many times. That said, the conditions are always different and the changing seasons do introduce new interest. However, I do tend to challenge the direction of my photography at the start of a new year thinking that I should 'do something different'.

Over the years I have had many attempts at doing something different but it is a slow process. The danger when trying to change a direction is stopping all current activities and only seeking the new which, in my experience, is the hardest way forward. The best way to achieve change, in my opinion, is to keep going as normal but supplement this with a series of challenges which can be blended with the existing work and then constantly assess where it is taking the photography.

For example, a couple of changes that I decided to make this year include going back to my full DSLR kit and tripod at least once a month. It has been nearly two years since I used this equipment in anger. Also, I want to target some different locations away from the East Midlands and perhaps even get up for some dawn photography - something I have not done for years!

I am not sure what results will come of this but I will be on a constant look out for a new projects whilst still enjoying the occasions when I get out locally, like this selection from Combs Lane (again!) - a tale of two days, one cloudy and mostly overcast and another bright and colourful:

Whilst walking back from Combs Lane I spotted a large numbers of birds, possibly rooks, on the telegraph poles and wires and managed to capture one in enough detail to attempt an identification. Bird identification however is not my speciality hence my tentative ID. I am also not clear that we still have telegraph poles either or whether this has been replaced by more modern terminology!

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