Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Blanchbeck Lane (October 2019)

Even when the weather is poor there is always the possibility of a break in clouds and some sunlight towards the end of the day. Often it is the case of observing what is happening from home and reacting quickly if the conditions improve. 

With only a limited time available it is important to have a clear venue and composition in mind. Currently, my go to destination is the fields and trees near to Blanchbeck Lane, a location that has featured regularly in my posts this year, and works very well in afternoon light. 

I managed to be in the right place at the right time twice during October. On both occasions the light only lasted for a few minutes but it was enough time to take a few shots. These are some of the results starting with a set from the last day in October. I was particularly drawn to the golden glow of a lime tree illuminated by the low afternoon sunlight:

This next set was taken in early October when many of the trees still had their green leaves. Beside the warming sunlight, the key subject here was the standing water in the fields. The levels of rain throughout the October and November meant that there was never an opportunity for this to drain away and like many of the local fields they remained waterlogged for weeks:

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