Sunday, 29 August 2021

Wrecked Car (July 2021)

I have covered this subject in the past and, whilst it is not the most pleasant scene, an upturned and burnt out car provides a range of abstract photo opportunities including an array of different colours, shapes and textures. 

The challenge for the photography is getting close enough to make compositions whilst retaining sufficient depth of field across the frame. This is made more difficult by the car’s design curves and often a compromise is required. 

One compromise is to alter the angle of capture to ensure a flat plain. If this is not possible then it is important that the main ‘subject’ is sharp with any fade in focus minimalised so it is not too distracting. Having a subject in mind is essential even for an abstract composition where it may only be a simple shape, line, curve, pattern, colour or texture:


Friday, 27 August 2021

Summer Fields (June/July 2021)

The local fields in summer provide an number opportunities for photography in terms of lines, colours and textures. Many of these can be composed in an abstract style, removing much of the context. This tends to simplifies complex scenes and whilst the individual images can stand alone, they often present better as a set of images providing a visual description of the season and the local agriculture: