Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Combs Lane - 2 (February 2019)

Earlier in the month I posted photographs from Combs Lane, a new local venue for my doorstep photography project. Since then I have revisited the location several times and on this occasion I was lucky with the conditions as a sharp shower passed over the landscape forming a fine rainbow:

Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Canal Reflections - 2 (February 2019)

I have enough photographs for a second post on canal reflections. I did say in my previous post it is one of those subjects where it is easy to get carried away and take far too many images. That said, the ever changing colours and patterns are fantastic although it requires help from editing software to draw these out. Often the results will look a bit dull on the back of the camera and require a boost in contrast, saturation and clarity.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Canal Reflections (February 2019)

I had not captured reflections in the city canal for a quite a while even though it is one of the most engaging photographic subjects, particularly with sunlight and a slight breeze. The perpetual motion means that no two photographs are the same and inevitably this leads to way too many shots being taken!

These were some of the results taken over a thirty minute period: