Monday, 11 March 2019

Combs Lane (January 2019)

I have presented photographs from Blanchbeck Lane in a number of previous posts, and I have a few more to show here, but on this occasion I also walked along the nearby Combs Lane. To one side of the lane were a number of views across flat fields with trees that were either freestanding or part of the hedgerows. I thought some of the compositions worked well enough to add a new photographic venue to my doorstep photography project, which includes only photographs that are taken within walking distance of home:

As I have said in previous posts, the doorstep photography project is about gaining a greater appreciation of my local environment, staying healthy by walking, and showing that landscape photograph is not necessarily an activity that requires car journeys to the more established photography locations. I also see doorstep photography as part of my contribution to supporting 'greener' photography by balancing the times that I drive to locations with at least an equal number of occasions I walk with the camera.

Overall, there is a welcome calmness to doorstep photography and it is particularly rewarding if there is some good light on the end of it. On the second outing of the day I caught the last sunlight on more familiar compositions at Blanchbeck Lane together with a couple of shots of the afterglow colour in the sky:

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