Thursday, 30 June 2022

Robin Hood Hill - Part 2 (2022)

In the previous post I showed a selection of photographs featuring the oilseed yellows in the fields around Robin Hood Hill on the Oxton Estate. Here I show a further set from that visit which concentrates on some of the vibrant spring greens, another strong colour that needed little additional lighting on a mainly cloudy visit. 

In fact, one image that particularly liked simply filled the frame with colour using the tractor lines and soft roll of the field to create the composition:

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Robin Hood Hill - Part 1 (April 2022)

A second visit to Robin Hood Hill in as many months challenged whether it is really necessary to have direct sunlight when there is a strong colour in the landscape. 

Ordinarily, I would wait for the light to change on a cloudy day but on this occasion the natural brightness of the oilseed yellows was enough to carry the scene. When the sun did shine it was almost too much, the flowers seemed to lose their definition, merging into a block of colour. 

As a compromise, I waited for the moment just before the clouds pass, when the soft shadows start to appear but the light is still diffused. 

These were some of the results:

Monday, 27 June 2022

Trent Reflections (April 2022)

No trip to the River Trent is seemingly complete without capturing some of the reflections in the water. A gust of wind, the wake from a passing boat, or just ripples that disturb the gentle flow provide opportunities for the camera that are hard to resist: