Friday, 2 July 2021

Eakring Brail Wood (May 2021)

I didn’t return to Clumber Park during May for the bluebells (see my previous 'Bluebell' post), preferring instead to visit a new location, Eakring Brail Wood. A neighbour had said that he had been impressed by the bluebells in the wood and I took up his recommendation. 

It turned out that he was right, there was a good covering, although they were hard to capture. I could see a nice blue carpet in places but access was difficult and I had to shoot from a distance with the longer focal lengths reducing the available depth of field. The wide angle shots did offer better back to front sharpness but they didn’t seem to capture the density of the flowers and some of the compositions were vague. In the end I had to compromise, accepting a bit of softness in places and then cropping the scenes in post processing.

These are the results which, on reflection, I would like to improve given another opportunity. Of course, this will have to be next year but it never ceases to amaze me how quickly the photography calendar revolves. In a blink of an eye (or shutter) I will probably be back at this location using these images as a reference and hopefully getting better outcomes:

There were also some ransoms (wild garlic) in the wood - fabulous scent...

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