Monday, 24 August 2020

Onwards to North Uist (Scotland 2013)

There was just enough time for one final visit to Luskentyre before taking the ferry from the Isle of Harris to North Uist. The photography however was hampered by a change in the weather. Overcast skies and intermittent rain replaced the fine bright conditions of the previous day. In fact, I might have skipped over this day’s photography except for two standout images. 

The first shows the river at Luskentyre zigzagging its way down to the sea with the perspective exaggerated by a long lens. The usual Luskentyre pastel tones were present with the addition of peat stained water running off the surrounding hills: 

The more it rained more peaty water flowed into the river turning the normal gentle turquoise stream chocolate brown:

In addition to the two images described above are a few of the other photographs taken at Luskentrye before setting off for North Uist: 

Despite the dull weather conditions, the photography continued for the rest of the day on North Uist, near to Sollas. Although we were only short distance from the Isle of Harris the landscape was very different, more open and flat with large expanses of sand at low tide. I really enjoyed the sense of isolation and a certain moodiness from the conditions as I took the following set of images. On reflection though, I think it was one of those occasions where the photographic experience was more impactful than the results. 

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