Saturday, 31 July 2021

River Trent (May 2021)

The final set of images from May's photography features blossoming hawthorn and oilseed rape along the River Trent at Fiskerton. The oilseed flowers grow wild on the banks of the river having ‘escaped’ from the bordering agricultural fields contributing some bright yellows to the spring scenes on the Trent:

Friday, 30 July 2021

May of the Southwell Trail - Part 3

As I am completing May’s processing, I am coming across various themes in the photography. One of these is hawthorn blossom captured along the Southwell Trail. Looking at the photographs there are some nicely shaped trees with cascading branches decorated in clusters of creamy white flowers - worth showing as a group I think, including some close-up shots of the blooms:

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

May on the Southwell Trail - Part 2 (2021)

Now we are in mid-summer and all the fresh spring colours have disappeared it gives extra interest to images taken in May - the only real benefit of being behind both in my processing and posting. 

This selection has some fine vivid yellow greens highlighted by bright sun and emphasised by dark rainclouds - always a great combination. In addition, there are about half a dozen trees with light coloured blossom or catkins which really stand out. I am not sure of the type of tree and can’t get close enough to make an firm ID. If I were to stick my neck out and guess, I think they might be aspen trees.

No matter the type of tree, I have really enjoyed stepping back a few months to finish this set of photos!