Monday, 16 May 2016

Durgan Rock - Photography Week 16 (2016)

Since I have been in Cornwall, I must have taken hundreds of photographs of rocks with a selection posted in this blog (must be almost every week!).

What I am actually looking for from these photographs is really hard to explain. To say I am looking for a 'good one' doesn't really help.

The aspect that is easiest to explain is the physical act of taking the pictures.

For a period of time, perhaps a number of minutes, may be half and hour, there is mind clearing focus on the subject matter. It is the type of engrossing concentration that blocks everything out. When I finally lose the concentration it is almost like waking up. I might call it mindfulness if I knew enough about the subject.

I do get periods of high concentration when taking wide landscapes but it is the detail in the landscape, like the shapes and colours in rock, that provokes the most mindful experience.

So, a good one, what does it look like?

These are a set of images from the beach at Durgan and whilst all have certain qualities this is a good one - at least from my point of view!

The starting point for explaining this is the rock structure and the shapes highlighted with a lighter, almost salty, outline. Then there are rusty coloured lines that seemingly go to a central point and a piece of yellow mineral. When composing, I might have liked this yellow focal point to be higher in the picture but I felt the curved orange line in the top left hand corner was an important element to include.

Overall, this image is about the eye tracing the lines, some with dead ends and some leading to the next shape and ultimately back to the focus point. I hope the explanation adds something to the understanding of why I made this capture and why I thought it was a good one.

Here are the other images in the set plus one other from the same day and location:

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