Sunday, 10 July 2022

Limes, Not Ash (April/May 2022)

Photographing trees from a distance makes identification difficult at times, I simply have to guess the type and mistakes are inevitable. 

I noted one such error in an old post where I had labelled the following trees as ash trees. I now believe that they are limes, as I can match their characteristics to trees where I can get close enough to confirm the identification. 

Of course, the type of tree is not overly important for the photography. It is more about how the trees sit in the landscape, the light they receive and the colours displayed, particularly in spring and autumn. These are a selection of this year’s spring colours including the soft tones of the limes on an overcast day:

On the same path as the limes trees are a few oaks, one with dying branches, and a fine beech tree. Again, these photograph nicely, particularly on a bright spring day:

Thursday, 7 July 2022

Blanchbeck Lane (April/May 2022)

There were still plenty of spring tones on show in late April from the trees around Blanchbeck Lane, as I continued to document the seasonal changes local to home. As we moved into May these colours were replaced as the crowns filled out and the greens started to dominate. 

These are some of the scenes I captured, pairing up similar compositions where possible:

Monday, 4 July 2022

Strawberry Hill Heath (April 2022)

More spring colours, this time in the woods around Strawberry Hill Heath. The birch greens were particularly vibrant as were the colours reflected in Stallon Pond…all appreciated more a couple of months later now the harsh shadows, bright highlights, and dull greens of summer dominate…