Monday, 13 September 2021

City (August 2021)

Visits to the city centre have been few and far between this year and even as we come out of the Covid restrictions and try to return to normal, the trips are mainly brief and functional. The chances for photography are also limited and with only a half hour to fill I was interested in capturing an aspect of the city that I miss - the hard lines, angles and shapes of city architecture. 

With very few people around I found a subject, the clad walls and striking cerise panels of a University building which combined to make the following set of images:

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Summer on Combs Lane (2021)

I was reminded when posting a few of the following images on social media how overcast the weather had been for much of the late summer. A fellow photographer had remarked how the dull conditions had curtailed much of her photography, particularly during August.

When I look back at my own output I can see that most of the activity was confined to a few days of brightness with large gaps of inactivity or a focus on close-up photography which tends to work best in flat lighting conditions. 

This is particularly true for the photography around Combs Lane where I walk frequently and always take the camera. It was clear that some days I didn't lift the camera in anger, which emphasises the importance of light and conditions for photographic motivation.

On couple of the brighter days I documented the summer barley crop growing in the fields that run adjacent to Combs Lane, often using a fine sycamore tree as a principle subject for the images. When grouped together, the photographs show the crop maturing starting in early July when the barley was predominately green and topped with fresh yellow seed heads swaying in the summer breeze:


A month later the barley had dried radiating a magnificent golden hue in the bright summer sunshine:

Finally, in August, the crop was harvested leaving bales of straw dotted around the field: 

Friday, 3 September 2021

River Trent (July 2021)

The stretch of river from Fiskerton to Hazelford Lock has featured a number of times in my photography over the last year or so. Repeated visits allow a greater level of observation, a chance to capture the location in different conditions and record the changes across the seasons. 

However, for a number of reasons, I haven’t managed to get out as much as I would have liked over the summer. Visits to my regular locations have tended to be quick ones, with the photography playing second fiddle to the need for a mindful walk. 

This set of photographs simply records some of the scenes from the end of July. I noticed a nice variation in the greens along the river bank including reflections in the water. I also focused on one leafless tree which caught my eye and some of the seasonal crops in the fields that run adjacent to the river.   

As I plan for the fast approaching autumn season I hope to get out more frequently with the River Trent firmly on the list of places to photograph: