Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Curbar Edge - January 2018

A trip to Curbar Edge was the second outing with the new Canon M6 and an opportunity to test the camera in a familiar location.

I don’t particularly see the M6 replacing my DSLR and tripod for landscapes but the reach of the 150mm lens on a crop sensor provides an alternative to wide angle compositions:

I find the compact camera most useful for detail and close up work. It is much easier to compose and set the focus with the compact camera’s touchscreen screen than it is with an eye level viewfinder on a DSLR. The weight of a DSLR also makes it awkward to use liveview in a similar fashion to a compact camera.

These are a selection of gritstone close-ups taken with the M6 include a partially completed millstone:

Whilst taking pictures of the gritstone I noticed these marks on the side of one of the edges. The regularity suggests that they are not natural and I assume that they were made to split the rock in the process of quarrying and making millstones:

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