Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Autumn on the Southwell Trail - Part 10

Mid December (2017) saw a more significant but short-lived fall of snow and a new perspective on some familiar compositions along the Southwell Trail. When I starting documenting autumn on the trail I wasn't totally sure whether there would be enough variation to keep the series going for the whole season but just as I think it is time to call a halt a new set of conditions present themselves. As I write in February (2018) I am still taking photos of the trail as part of a winter series - more on that in future posts.

December's light dusting of snow combined well with some fine high cloud and streaks of blue sky   providing an opportunity to recapture the ash trees on the path between the Southwell Trail and the Hexgreave Estate:

The snow also gave some additional emphasis to the line of the trail making it easier to visualise its original use as a railway:

More of the snow seemed to accumulate at the entrance to the trail which was the former Farnsfield railway station. The original buildings are now residential properties including the old goods store which dates from the 1870's - shown in the first image below:

Finally, these are a selection of close-ups and intimate landscapes taken along the trail using the snow to aid the compositions:

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