Saturday, 3 March 2018

City Abstracts

For this post I am diverting away from the autumn on the Southwell Trail series to a set of abstract photographs taken along the canal towpath in Nottingham.

This is one of my favourite city walks and whilst I may have photographed this stretch many times it is a bit like the Southwell Trail - there is always something that catches my eye and makes me reach for the camera.

I guess if I delved closely into my photo archive I would see some very similar compositions and even repeats of the same subject, but this type of photography is like listening to a favourite piece of music. Every time I play it, I enjoy it.

On the canal towpath is a metal barrier which reinforces the canal bank. The outer coating has rusted and there are some patches that look like they have been painted in the past  - great for abstracts but not so great for the strange looks from people trying to work out why someone would photograph an old metal barrier!

Reflections along the canal are a must. They are fun to capture as the water is constantly moving. A bit of wind, or the wake of barge, or even a bird swimming by, will change the look of an image:

Not far from the canal is a wall of street art. It is refreshed regularly by talented artists. The colours are always fantastic:

Lastly, the Nottingham Contemporary building which I pass on the way back to the main shopping area:

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