Thursday, 27 April 2023

Watchwood Plantation (March 2023)

As is often the case, one visit to a location for photography leads to another. In this instance, the first woodland photography of the year, see my previous post, prompted a quick follow up in the nearby Watchwood Plantation. 

When I arrived, I found a large part of the plantation had been cut down over the winter. A notice informed that the trees had been cleared and would be used for biofuel purposes. 

The resulting landscape was very different to my last visit to this location, which I attempted to document in the following set of images:

Moving passed the cleared area, I focused on more abstract elements in the wood. I had forgotten how much I enjoy this type of photography and how it demands close attention. 

I remember my first ever visit to this location, not long after I started photography (many years ago), thinking there was nothing much to photograph. Those were the days when I gave more priority to the results than the activity. Now, I am happy enough to engage with the location and let the results take care of themselves…

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