Friday, 28 April 2023

Robin Hood Hill (March 2023)

Robin Hood Hill was the venue for the final photography in March. Although there was thick patches of cloud, there was also some breaks and the odd burst of sunlight. It was a simple case of waiting on a bench with the best view in the local area, looking across the landscape towards Calverton, Blidworth and Rainworth.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Watchwood Plantation (March 2023)

As is often the case, one visit to a location for photography leads to another. In this instance, the first woodland photography of the year, see my previous post, prompted a quick follow up in the nearby Watchwood Plantation. 

When I arrived, I found a large part of the plantation had been cut down over the winter. A notice informed that the trees had been cleared and would be used for biofuel purposes. 

The resulting landscape was very different to my last visit to this location, which I attempted to document in the following set of images:

Moving passed the cleared area, I focused on more abstract elements in the wood. I had forgotten how much I enjoy this type of photography and how it demands close attention. 

I remember my first ever visit to this location, not long after I started photography (many years ago), thinking there was nothing much to photograph. Those were the days when I gave more priority to the results than the activity. Now, I am happy enough to engage with the location and let the results take care of themselves…

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

Blidworth Woods (March 2023)

The first woodland photography of 2023 in Blidworth Woods and another opportunity to use the camera settings prompt. 

Prompts are a way to boost creativity by pre-selecting topics/ideas for photography. For example, changing the camera settings to the grainy monochrome mode (see my previous post). 

On this occasion I found the prompt very useful. Deciding whether a scene would be better in colour or black and white increased the attention I gave to each shot. As a result, I was more engaged with the photography, something that has been lacking so far this year. 

These were some of the results: