Saturday, 31 December 2022

November on Combs Lane (2022)

By mid-November the ash and lime trees had lost most of their leaves, leaving the oaks and the fast shedding beech trees to fly the flag for the remaining autumn colours. A rare bit of November brightness aided the photography. 

Clumber Park (November 2022)

November was dogged by poor weather making this year’s autumn photography more difficult. It was hard to find a bright day at the right time and a forced ISO was required to extract the wonderful colours from the gloom in Clumber Park.

Friday, 30 December 2022

Sherwood Forest (November 2022)

This trip to Sherwood Forest in early November turned out to be the last one of the season. I had fully expected another visit or two to capture the peak of the autumn colours but poor weather and other priorities got in the way. 

As the New Year approaches and thoughts go to resolutions and next year’s photography, I am reminded to treat every photography session in isolation to another, to see what is there, rather than what has been captured in the past or might be taken in the future. Photography is the art of seeing in the moment, best achieved without distraction - something to work on in 2023!