Sunday, 17 December 2017

Quayside in Falmouth - Part 3

The first selection in this final part of the quayside series is boats and ropes. I didn't feel that I could this finish a series without including some photographs of the boats around the harbour.

The challenge when photographing boats is deciding how much of the structure to include in the frame. Sometimes it is only necessary to suggest the presence of a boat. This can add a depth to the composition as the picture is built around lines and shapes rather than a simple portrait of a boat. In these circumstances less can be more.

For example, this small panel includes images with varying amounts boat in the frame from one composition that excludes the boats altogether through to one that shows a boat in the wider context of the harbour. Each image has merits but my favourite is the first image due to the repeated shape of the ropes and their reflections.

In my favourite image the placement of the boats is governed by two key points. The first point is  where the middle rope enters the water and the reflection starts and the second is where the closet rope reflection meets with the corner of the frame. On this occasion, I think the impact of the composition would have reduced by including too much of the boats.

This final selection of the series is a bit of a catch all. They are individual images that didn't fit with any of themes covered in the series but are part of the summer walks along the quayside in Falmouth. Included are some reflections, rust abstracts, some metal structures around the quay and an abstract of the harbour wall:

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