Monday, 5 June 2017

Bluebells - Photography Week 17 (2017)

Bluebells are a fixture in the photography calendar and why not..... they are wonderful to look at and a pleasure to photograph.

However, back in the digital darkroom it is a bit more tricky. The camera's auto white balance has inevitably been fooled by the vibrant green canopy and the deep blue flowers which has you scratching your head about the 'real' colour of bluebells.

The advice, of course, is to shoot in RAW so that any adjustments can be made in the software but that's where the fun starts... what is the correct adjustment and how much should be applied?

Auto adjustment is not much help because it doesn't know the colour of bluebells either. It does its best but the results are more pink bells than bluebells.

In the end it comes down to a judgement call, as most adjustments do, but very few subjects involve the same level of tinkering as the annual round of bluebell images.

These are some of this year's results from two locations in Clumber Park:

Perhaps next year I will try being more precise at the capture stage and set the camera's colour temperature using a grey card. I have never tried this before as I have never needed the colours to be that accurate... but I am thinking that it would be a useful exercise particularly when capturing bluebells.

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