Saturday, 16 April 2016

Best of the Rest - Photography Week 12 (2016)

These are a selection of other images taken during Photography Week 12 (2016):

Calm Seas

Calm seas of Falmouth have been rarity over the last couple of months. This week however there was a day of stillness and relative silence on the seafront. The rush of white water seas was replaced by gentle lapping waves and crystal clear turquoise water. Out to sea there was a misty diffused light and at times an indistinct horizon. Capturing these conditions with a camera in any meaningful way was a bit of challenge but I gave it a go.

Unusually the best finish for the shots at sea was gained by clustering the mid tones. The temptation in post processing is often to set the white and black points to increase contrast and extend the dynamic range. In this case the opposite approach gave a more accurate representation of the conditions:

Gyllyngdune Balustrade Steps

Walking along Falmouth's Cliff Road there are few reminders of its grand Victorian past. The Falmouth Hotel is one example and another is a small building on the cliff edge and some steps which provide access to the beach. Both were built as part of the landscaping around Gyllyngdune House by the Reverend William Coope, rector of Falmouth between 1838 and 1870 (1):

Plastic Mulch

I am not sure if there is a sensible link between the sea, Victorian architecture in Falmouth, and plastic mulch in the East Midlands apart from photographs that were taken in the same week. There might be something about finding lines, colours and textures in everyday scenes. If so, it was the lines that caught my eye in these fields being prepared with plastic mulch (2):

Prior to reaching the fields laid with plastic mulch I stopped to capture these cloud formations including a mono version:

And finally, later the same evening, some light on a tree lined local field:



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