Three-cornered leeks have a very delicate white bell shaped flower with a green stripe. Up close they have an onion or garlic smell particularly when the leaves are crushed.
Whilst photographing the leeks, I was surprised at the range of other blooms in the hedge rows and cliff tops. To document these I decided to temporarily dispense with my week-by-week posts and jump straight from photography week 1 to week 12 - it seems more relevant to show these now rather than some point in the summer when I have caught up with my image processing.
These are some of the results. Note: I try to get the correct identification of the flowers using books and web searches but errors are always possible!
Three-Cornered Leeks
Sea Campion
Lesser Periwinkle
Common Dog Violet
Lesser Celandine
Red Campion
Herb Robert
Blackthorn Blossom (I think)